Saturday, January 5, 2008


ok so yesterday freakin rocked...My folks went outta town to pickup a vehicle and stayed the night leavin an empty 4/2/2 house plus HOTTUB to myself. MAAAAAAAN! I freakin had a blast! lol! Did the hot tub, then hit the gym up, went to the PX to get sum CAPT and then came the night

So yeah I'm suppose to meet these two guys up @ Nellies (Cameron & Sterling)...The fookin bar is more crowded flys on turd i shit u not! So Sterling meets me up and Cam stands me up (pendejo!)! So me and sterl decided egh! Lets get the fook outta here and head to TOWN. So who do we see getting a ticket when we walks in???? YeAh! Cam! So all was good was once again in dirtys world ~:-D

I got to see my 1st drag show (and yes people, they love CHER and I think one of them was Whitney and a plump Madonna). Learned sum german - Fabelhoff! (Fabulous!) it was good times, good music...EXPENSIVE muthafuckin drinks ($36 for 3 patron shots! Hell NO!!!) but again, it was fookin awesome and I'd fuckin do it all ova again!

So going in 3rd person mode now....Dirty had A LOT to drink and ummm...ended up "crashing" at Sterlings place after raidin McDonalds ;-)....ummmmm yeaaaaah.....Dirty was FUBAR and u guys can get more details at 11! :-P

~ laters

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