Monday, September 1, 2008

Farewell...Auf Wiedersehen

Well the only thing I'm going to Blog about is my trip to North Carolina. My uncle, Richard Peper died a few weeks ago. The man was a great inspiration to those who knew him. We had his memorial this Sunday. It was beautiful. I broke down twice with his death. The first time is when I had heard of the news and heard my grandmother cry. The second time was at the service. My uncle loved to tell jokes (the same old ones, but it would put a smile on your face), was not shy to interact with people, sing songs from the beatles and build stuff with his hands.

The rabbi lead the service off explaining who Rick was, the number of years he was with the temple and the joy he had brought to the lives of others. The cantor followed after the Rabbi and said he had a song he would like to sing that he was sure Rick would love. He sang The Beatles - Yesterday (and included some french with it). OMG, I heard that and pictured it coming out of Rick's mouth. I tried to hold it in but of course sittin next to my mom and grandmother hearing them baul just had me goin.

Afterwards we heard from my Aunt, my uncle, my mother, myself (UgH!), friends of his and then my aunt's brother. It was beautiful. The jokes that we had to re-hear again (which I'm sure he enjoyed) followed by the rabbi giving the last prayer.

That was the service...beautiful! The night before we met the family at Gloria's place. The whole family was there. I feel retarded...they had my uncle's photos spread out on a table and a box. I looked at all the photos and smiled. People were teary eyed but ok, that cool..grieving. So when we leave the house my mom said she got to talk to Rick and I was like, yeaaah! Where did they put him??? He was in the box by the photos. Shit I didn't know! I didn't pay the box any attention. Oh well, I told my sis if they stick me in a box I want it to be a motion deteced/voice activated with a lithium battery sayin "Hello" or singing that annoying song "Don't worry, be happy"...what can I say? I want cheap laughs even afterwards!!! lol!

All the cousins went downstairs to have a couple drinks...burn a fag or two. So my cousin (Rick's son) does a toast to his dad. He starts off with "My dad was an asshole..." and before he can say the next word my sis is like "No he wasn't! He was not an asshole". Talk about awkward cuz HELLO u dad wasn't, but yes please continue with ur toast. Did I mention we had 14 year olds drinkin with us?!? Oh yea, im not gonna get into that but we have 14 y/o friends and we're 23..24? Ok, whatever lets just get through this shit! lol!

Food: Ok, so i'm not a picky eater. I'll eat just about anything fried, smoothered in potatos or just plain left out of the fridge for two days chicken. Ummmm yeah, southern thing where you leave your chicken out and not necessarily covered....WHO THE FUCK MADE THAT RULE UP???? Ok so fried chicken was out, what else do we got. We have a cole slaw mixed with chopped ramen noodles (no not the choy noodles, RAMEN noodles), fresh fruits mixed with canned fruits (HFCS!), mashed potatos, potato salad, cookies, fudge (mmmm too cookies n fudge), rolls (bleached)....right! Dinner was smashin! I had a wing (out of starvation), sum fruit (avoidin that syrup) and then we got on the road, hit up a harris teeter got a veggie plate, some fruits and then went to FIVE GUYS! (ummm fuck yea I want a double! lol)

The brunch the next day was great but I bought cherrios in milk JUST IN CASE. The drive was great, we had the speeding gawds look over us on the drive there but on the way!
Those fuckin cobalts came out of no where! Can we not just speed responsibly??? GIMME EUROPE AGAIN! Ok, hope everyone else's weekend was good.

FYI - TOWN for Obama was slackin! Old doods, no one was on the bottom one! Good, I was tired anyways...gave my $20 for Obama (even tho I'm a Hillary fan *ALL THE WAY*) and went home. ~

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