Sunday, February 13, 2011

Lazy Sundays

I luv weekends. Sunday is def the day to hang wit to hang wit family. We started a Sunday tradition of family breakfast. 3 houses, 5 peeps. It's been pretty cool and the company and convo is always nice. Laid low this weekend. I'm trying to spend more time flying solo. Cut facebook off temporarily. That sucks. I'm really addicted to social apps. I literally had to put my iPhone down and think of something to do while doing laundry. How bizarre. Reese snapped me the hell outta it tho. Did some yard work and of course more laundry. Met up wit Max Saturday. We was suppose to have lunch Friday but he had a case come up. Went to la toltecas off duke. The place doesn't have posole!!! Dammit! So no drunk mornings there x_X. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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