Saturday, January 8, 2011

3 weeks sober

Yayyy...this is hard but I'm doing it. This won't last forever but it's cool to know I can. I'm ready to end it since I can get back in my jeans no problem (YEssss!) but I'm saving an assload of cash coming home with money in my wallet on weekends!

I hadn't seen the boys (except Matt my workout buddy) in a minute and part of that reasoning was to avoid the player I had mentioned in previous logs. But when I hung out tonight I had these things on my mind.

1.) Have fun
2.) You're 30 and don't got time for small petty drama. Let it go...

Sooo I don't wanna be a Sammi (evil Jersey bitch) and close everyone out and be in my own world (I will miss that, cuz I do have a kickass world that I luv boxing myself into...except during the holidays, then it becomes my hell), so I met up with all, had a blast and didn't make anything awkward. Back to the alkie!

What normally would be a 3-5 servings of gray goose rose kennedy followed by some delicious McDs turned into club soda n lime and Reese's puff cereal (i <3 PB!!)
I had fun, danced and drove home with the courage to speed and be pulled over.
The guys had a blast, wish I would've had everyone over but it was daddy n puppy bonding time. We watched some tv then went to bed. She hasn't done anything to get her bed privileges with me revoked so that's good.

Reese hasn't grown in 2 months! She's reached the perfect big teddy bear height! She's calmed down a bit or at least has puppy energy now n then. She's the cutest dog in the whole world! I mean others have cute dogs, but there can only be one CUTEST! And not to brag but uhhhh yea I got her :-)
No dog park today for Reesie...snow and wet paws r not on the menu...well maybe lol! ohhhh no, I gotta go to Gainesville today n catch the Saints game. I need to find where I can get some baked wings....maybe whole foods? I'll check have a terrific weekend all! One more week till MLK! Sure am gonna miss this 3day weekends after pres day :-/

I <3 my bartenders but so does my wallet.

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