Sunday, January 18, 2009

My new babies! =)

LG Steam Washer with Allergiene & Electric Steam Dryer WM2487HRMA & DLEX7177RM's not because I'm spoiled (*tee hee*)...I just don't like buying washer & dryer's so let's just get a set that i'll keep for 10 years! I'll let you know how it works (especially the steam feature!)
I really can't wait to get my townhouse under my belt. It's gonna be great and these are my housewarming gifts from: ME to: ME!!! (pedestals are on hold) ~c!a0-


M. said...

Kelly Ripa really sold you on these twins didn't she? I'm jealous.

Dirty said...

LOL! I can't wait to use them! They're sitting in my parents garage. I've been packing away my condo. I'm swappin my dad the jetta for his space shuttle aka minivan ^_^

I'm gonna throw a bunch of crap in there and D/L to springfield. YES WE CAN! LOL!