Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Work Update

Well ummm...i think i'm doing about the same amount of work from when I left ITT. I took control of the remote control during 7-8pm (Gotta watch tha Wheel-o-Fort / Jeopardy!). I like my hours and enjoy the drive to work and being 'flexible', but im not enthralled to be here. I just need these paychecks going and once my TS goes through I'm gonna find something that makes me happy. So career wise I took a dip (more so in salary), love life...ummm hello! i've been documenting that! lol! It'll be cool!

I got my apt lookin nicer...heard that Bed-Baf-N Beyooo00nd was havin an art sale so i'm gonna try n get in on that! I'm a lil sleepy right now, but i'll write more later ~ peace

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