Friday, April 26, 2013


I loved the results of going vegan(lite)!  No dairy = LOW allergy symptoms.  I can't be sure if giving up the meats aided in this adventure but I learned somethings

1.)  I don't like having a huge soy intake
2.)  Chick peas are a good alternate protein
3.)  I miss whey protein (pea protein, ur just different)
4.)  Practically eliminated exercise-induced asthma (except on bad allergy days)
5.)  Threw out a ton of crap that apparently was made of dairy / egg

Now that my trial time is up, I'm gonna add seafood back into my diet.  I hate to sound like a novice who only thinks of animals as protein, but I NEED MY PROTEIN.  So fish has the lower risk of bad cholesterol and can actually prevent cancers

Just got back from stomach pains and am quite content!


M. said...

Good for you! I've been a pescatarian for over a year now. Never felt or been as healthy.

Dirty said...

It feels great leaving dairy and meats/poultry behind. I'm so glad I reintroduced seafood back in my diet although I've only taken advantage of it on Friday. I've found a new love for avocado and my salads. I can handle fish for dinners...tuna is iffy because mayo uses egg unless i buy a big jar from trader joes...hmmm I may look into that today =)