You never know when something is gonna hit you like memory wise. Often times I'll try to embed a moment in my mind and it stays there and then there are times when without even thinking boom - you got an aha moment.
I didn't like Shirin as a player because she was clingy and annoying. I think the episode where Will went at her hard gave me pity and a bigger understanding of her personality. Had Will not been an asshole, I wouldn't have held a better opinion about her and her struggles.
I think when she gave the final speech and mentioned how she made a million bucks by the time she was 25, I had admiration for her. I love love LOVE people who have goals, obstacles and fuck the world, I'm gonna do what I gotta do. She has that...and I know somewhere inside me, I have that fire that get's lit and blows out. ADHD. I have it and after seeing that, I want it even more.
Part of me would love to leave this world with a name, but I'm not a programmer nor am I an inventor. I know that for me I'll hafta back a winning idea and hopefully get myself partnered. I doubt my abilities to create. I can sell now...sales is great. I'd love to do real estate but that isn't something that I can get known for. My sales should focus on a better tomorrow or get young people started.
After hearing Shirin, it gets my fire going. Have I earned a million? Oh yea! I past that mark some time ago! Do I have a million? No....I have a million in debt though LOL! anyone looking to rent? ;)
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