So yesterday my mom left on her 3 year tour to Germany. I took her out for some sushi and we hugged goodbye afterwards. I didn't cry and that puzzled me. I don't want to manifest tears, but perhaps it hasn't hit me yet that mom will be gone for three years, or maybe I've just been in and out that it just feels like Geography. I'd rather her be 3500 miles apart than 6 feet under! So I guess it's really not so much "Goodbye" but, have fun!
That or I've turned heartless.
Or insensitive. I wouldn't mind picking that puzzle piece back up. I'm always there for my friends and family but man it feels lacking inside.
What else is new. Oh Reese is going through her rebellious teenage years. She's decided that since this her home she'll do whatever she damn well pleases and give me "the eyes". So now when she does that she goes straight to her room. Her new thing is sleeping on Daddy's massage chair. Wow! The hell she will! So we got that going on....The new kitchen will be partially up Monday...we got a week of events next week.
02/13/2012 - New kitchen arrives (old cabinets go downstairs)
02/14/2012 - Granite & Dishwasher gets installed
02/14 - 02/19 - Continue kitchenette downstairs & clear out pantry
02/20/2012 - Pantry gets installed
Party to soon follow afterwards. So cheers to the end of February and Spring into 2012 with a new kitchen and kitchenette downstairs :-)
Yay ~ Bathrooms and hottub next! whee!