Monday, July 11, 2011

How ta save a life

My best friends of 11 years are moving from the NoVA area to Biloxi, MS. They have family members that aren't in good health and they feel it is the right move. I love them to death! I really do and I hold my tongue when I see the squander money on the kids at Christmas or even going organic if you can't afford it. I grew up with dual working parents that would always put money away and whatever we had left we would enjoy life with. I can really appreciate how I was raised and the morals I have right now.

So, having sick family is not easy. You want to be there for them and help out as much as possible. When do you draw the line though and take care of yourself and your family? The kids have a fantastic public education that they won't be able to maintain in MS. The husband has phenomenal job opportunities here, that certainly aren't present at the gulf. I've never wanted to scream out to Tiffany: "STOP HOLDING YOUR FAMILY BACK", because at the end of the day, you can't save everyone. There are a lot of winners and losers in life. Everything we do in life is a choice. You make good choices, you reap the rewards that come with those choices and vice versa. I know my buddy well enough to know that the only thing he wants in life is to make his wife happy. I mean what can I do? Ask that they see a therapist and see if this is the right decision? I'll pay for it!!!! An outside party in my belief needs to show them: HEY! WAKE UP! Find a different way! Don't make your family spiral downward.

It's def not an easy decision to make. There's the guilt of living in VA and knowing that your family needs help, and then there's moving to MS and dealing your family a hardship. I'm gonna stay out of it. They've always been family to me and maybe that's why hearing this hurts sooo much! At the end of the day, it is what it is. Michael has to focus on Michael. They didn't ask my opinion about what they should do, so why should I concern myself? Chris will do his remaining time in VA and then the fam will come back or more likely he will go down to MS and live their lives. I really hope the kids make it out of MS.

I want them to reach high! Super high! I really hope that they make their own mark in life which would make their parents (and myself) really proud. I had to vent this off my chest before my interview. I needed it to be written and said. Now that I got that off my mind, I won't have to lash out at them. If they ask what I think, I'll tell them they should run it by a therapist and see what advice comes out of it. I'd be interested to hear what an unbiased person would think. A family therapist would be best. One FUCKING DECISION could mark the downfall of their life! Or it could be the best move they make! I'd be interested in hearing the outcome of what a family therapist would suggest. Perhaps they're living beyond their means and need a 200,000 house. I don't know. I do know that life has thrown them lemons and what you do with those lemons determines your future. School of hard knocks...hopefully they won't go through that by making a poor choice.

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