Ummm ok so u buy this haute Mercedes SL 500 and ur pimpin around DC, hollain at niccas n flossin wha u got, right...U paid like 100G for ur ride but the good thing is u ain't got 2 many peeps on the block sportin what u got.
4 months later
Mercedes announces a better SL 500 with a higher horsepower, saves you 3mpg and they're knockin the price from 100g to 50g (did i mention this new mercedes gives you head?? Cuz it totally does)
Yeah so thats how i'm feelin bout this new iPod phone. Everyone in my office is now going to get one (Ugh!)...I don't have the phone because I refuse to be stuck with AT&T and their "WondErFul" service (Hell no I can't hear u now!...get a real provider!). I have the iPod touch (my 3rd and LAST iPod....I swear!) 32Giggy Piggy. So i can't wait 2 c on July 11th what my device is sellin for! Boo fuckin Hoo dirty! I know I know....I'M JUS SAAAAAAAYIN!
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